Frankie Font
A rhythmic font inspired by 70s House Music and derived from American Typewriter
Typography + Branding + Packaging
Throughout the creation of the font, house music was played and served as the driving inspiration behind the type. This also involved studying the history and influence of House Music. From the point of its initial adoption to today — the identifying sound has always been House’s rhythmic beats and bass. It was important to translate these sonic characters this into the font visually.
Type Specimen
The final typeface was names Frankie, after the founder and creator of House Music Frankie Knuckles. The identifying dot or beat on each letterform is used as a symbol for the genre’s heavy bass and rhythm. As illustrated in the type specimen the “beat” travels through each letter and number in chronological order, gradually increasing and decreasing levels like an actual song.
“The Mix” Cafe
The branded Cafe is also inspired by House Music and showcases possible application for the Frankie Font.